02 Jan 2024
Dangerous Travels was our limited newsletter series for 2023. This series is now complete and we won’t be posting any new articles relating to travel security.
We’ve moved our publication the Dangerous Travels from Substack to its own domain. We’re still in the progress of migrating articles across and working out how to enable subscriptions.
In the next few months, I’ll be compiling these articles into a book. The process of making this book will involve reviewing each article, fixing any typos or obvious grammar errors, and a bit of light editing. For those of you that kind enough to pay to subscribe to Dangerous Travels, I’ll be sending you a copy of the book for free.
You can view Dangerous Travels posts in a feed reader application. Feedly is a good one.
Simply copy the feed URL using the handy button below and paste it into your chosen feed reader.
I plan to continue writing about different aspects of travel security. I’ll probably do this here on the Spartan9 website.
Thanks again for your support!