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30 Jun 2024

S9 Dispatch for June 2024

We've just published our S9 Dispatch newsletter for June 2024.

This month - Crisis simulations, Strategic Programmes, applications and Station XV bags

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31 May 2024

S9 Dispatch for May 2024

We've just published our S9 Dispatch newsletter for May 2024.

This month - Crisis simulations, Crisis Exercise Kits, applications and new Station XV bags

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30 Apr 2024

S9 Dispatch for April 2024

We've just published our S9 Dispatch newsletter for April 2024.

This month - Applications, Crisis Exercise Kits, and Station XV bags

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26 Apr 2024

Crisis Exercise Kits have been updated

We've updated and re-issued our Crisis Exercise Kits

Our Crisis Exercise Kits save you the time and effort of having to design your own desktop crisis exercises.

These kits distil 24 years of crisis response and crisis exercise experience into a simple-to-use package designed to save you time and effort. The kits integrate many of the tools and techniques we use when we design and deliver crisis simulation exercises for our clients.

Learn more

1 Apr 2024

Station XV is here

After over three years of meticulous planning and development, Station XV is finally here.

We’re thrilled to unveil the long-awaited launch of Station XV.

Our objective with Station XV is to design and manufacture bags and accessories for people seeking high quality bags and accessories that are also highly durable and resilient in a range of operating contexts.

At Station XV, our mission is clear: to craft premium bags and accessories tailored for individuals who demand both quality and durability. Whether you’re navigating city streets or operating in more remote areas, our products are designed to withstand the rigors of everyday use and beyond.

We invite you to explore our collection and experience the difference that Station XV brings to your everyday adventures.

Go to the Station XV website

31 Mar 2024

S9 Dispatch for March 2024

We've just published our S9 Dispatch newsletter for March 2024.

This month - Whistler released, Incident Manager close to release, and Station XV bags and accessories now available for sale.

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12 Mar 2024

Under the Rader

We've made some minor updates to Under the Radar.

The updates include minor editing to the dedication, prologue and preface. If you’ve read the book recently, the changes aren’t significant enough to warrant reading the book again.

If you’ve already purchased a copy of Under the Radar via PDF or Apple Books, you’ll receive an email with a link to the updated version.

I you haven’t purchased Under the Radar, you can check it out at the link below.

View the book

29 Feb 2024

Dangerous Travels

We've just published Dangerous Travels, a compendium of 52 articles exploring the subject of travel safety and security.

In 2023, I wrote 52 articles on travel safety and security. This book is a compendium of those articles.

The articles in this book will be useful for anyone interested in travel safety and security, including security professionals, travel managers, and travellers.

View the book

29 Feb 2024

S9 Dispatch for February 2024

We've just published our S9 Dispatch newsletter for February 2024.

This month - updated application, Incident Manager in the wild, bags (almost) made, new books, extremely tired.

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27 Feb 2024

Update to The Field Checklist for Hotel Security Assessments

We've made some important updates and improvements to The Field Checklist for Hotel Security Assessments.

We’ve reviewed and updated the checklist, improving many of the sections. We’ve added a section on Wi-Fi security, and added additional detail to the sections on resilience.

These updates incorporate lessons from recent rounds of hotel assessments in higher-risk locations.

If you’ve already purchased this book, you’ll be notified and will be able to download the free updates.

I you haven’t purchased this book, you can check it out at the link below.

View the checklist

31 Jan 2024

S9 Dispatch for January 2024

We've just published our S9 Dispatch newsletter for January 2024.

This month - kicking off a new year with new projects, lots of editing, and more f*cking bag production delays.

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2 Jan 2024

Dangerous Travels has a new home

We've moved Dangerous Travels from Substack to its own home.

Dangerous Travels was our limited newsletter series for 2023. This series is now complete and we won’t be posting any new articles relating to travel security.

We’ve moved our publication the Dangerous Travels from Substack to its own domain. We’re still in the progress of migrating articles across and working out how to enable subscriptions.

In the next few months, I’ll be compiling these articles into a book. The process of making this book will involve reviewing each article, fixing any typos or obvious grammar errors, and a bit of light editing. For those of you that kind enough to pay to subscribe to Dangerous Travels, I’ll be sending you a copy of the book for free.

You can view Dangerous Travels posts in a feed reader application. Feedly is a good one.

Simply copy the feed URL using the handy button below and paste it into your chosen feed reader.

I plan to continue writing about different aspects of travel security. I’ll probably do this here on the Spartan9 website.

Thanks again for your support!

View Dangerous Travels

1 Jan 2024

Business of Security has a new home

We've moved Business of Security from Substack to its own home.

We’ve moved our publication the Business of Security from Substack to its own domain. We’re still in the progress of migrating articles across and working out how to enable subscriptions.

We’ll be continuing the Business of Security in 2024 on the new site.

You can view these posts in a feed reader application. Feedly is a good one.

Simply copy the feed URL using the handy button below and paste it into your chosen feed reader.

We hope you’ve found the articles to be useful so far.

Thanks again for your support!

View Business of Security

31 Dec 2023

S9 Dispatch for December 2023

We've just published our S9 Dispatch newsletter for December 2023.

This month - End of year review and preview of 2024.

View newsletter

30 Nov 2023

S9 Dispatch for November 2023

We've just published our S9 Dispatch newsletter for November 2023.

This month - Contingency planning, minor progress with gear and applications, training workshops, publications, articles, and links to articles worth your time.

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31 Oct 2023

S9 Dispatch for October 2023

We've just published our S9 Dispatch newsletter for October 2023.

This month - Gear and application updates, training workshops, publications, articles, and links to articles worth your time.

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30 Sep 2023


layout: update title: S9 Dispatch for September 2023 description: We’ve just published our S9 Dispatch newsletter for September 2023. date: 2023-09-30 link: /newsletters/2023-09-30-newsletter type: Newsletter permalink: /updates/2023-09-30-dispatch.html

This month - Taiwan contingency planning, gear updates, updates on our new crisis management application, and links to our latest articles.

31 Aug 2023

S9 Dispatch for August 2023

We've just published our S9 Dispatch newsletter for August 2023.

This month - Taiwan contingency planning, major gear announcements, updates on our new crisis management application, and links to our latest articles.

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25 Aug 2023

The Contingency Planning Manual for Taiwan

We've just published The Contingency Planning Manual for Taiwan.

The Contingency Planning Manual for Taiwan is a comprehensive reference for mitigating risks associated with major crisis events in Taiwan, including hostile military action.

View the manual

31 Jul 2023

S9 Dispatch for July 2023

We've just published our S9 Dispatch newsletter for July 2023.

This month - Field Guide to Hotel Security Assessments, Taiwan contingency planning, prototype bags, preview of a new application, and links to our latest articles.

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10 Jul 2023


We've just published 51CM.

51CM is a compendium of 51 articles exploring the topic of crisis management.

View the book

6 Jul 2023

The Field Checklist for Hotel Security Assessments

We've just published The Field Checklist for Hotel Security Assessments.

The Field Checklist for Hotel Security Assessments is a comprehensive tool that enables you to effectively evaluate the security of hotels in higher-risk environments.

View the guide

30 Jun 2023

The Quick Reference Guide to Planning for Higher-Risk Destinations

We've just published The Quick Reference Guide to Plnning for Higher-Risk Destinations.

The Quick Reference Guide to Planning for Higher-Risk Destinations is designed to be a no-nonsense guide that covers the essentials. It assumes you’ve been around the traps a bit and know what you’re doing. It’s designed to help prevent you from making unforced errors.

View the guide

30 Jun 2023

S9 Dispatch for June 2023

We've just published our S9 Dispatch newsletter for June 2023.

This month - Hanoi assignment, new quick reference guides, and links to our latest articles.

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26 Jun 2023

The Quick Reference Guide to Packing for Higher-Risk Destinations

We've just published The Quick Reference Guide to Packing for Higher-Risk Destinations.

The Quick Reference Guide to Packing for Higher-Risk Destinations is designed to be a no-nonsense guide that covers the essentials. It assumes you’ve been around the traps a bit and know what you’re doing. It’s designed to help prevent you from making unforced errors.

View the guide

31 May 2023

S9 Dispatch for May 2023

We've just published our S9 Dispatch newsletter for May 2023.

This month: Back to the grind, new books, new supply chain, and links to our latest articles.

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30 Apr 2023

S9 Dispatch for April 2023

We've just published our S9 Dispatch newsletter for April 2023.

This month: The Taiwan Contingency Playbook and workshop, Vientiane writing retreat, gear updates, and links to our latest articles.

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31 Mar 2023

S9 Dispatch for March 2023

We've just published our S9 Dispatch newsletter for March 2023.

This month: Contingency planning in Taiwan, training workshops, gear updates, links to our latest articles, plus an update on The Field Guide to Information Security.

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28 Feb 2023

S9 Dispatch for February 2023

We've just published our S9 Dispatch newsletter for February 2023.

This month: Rest and recovery, website updates, evacuation planning, training workshops, a gear review (!), and links to our latest articles.

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31 Jan 2023

S9 Dispatch for January 2023

We've just published our S9 Dispatch newsletter for January 2023.

This month: New year, new website, new business design, new training workshops and new weekly articles.

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31 Dec 2022

S9 Dispatch for December 2022

We've just published our S9 Dispatch newsletter for December 2022.

This month: An end of year review and a preview of what’s in store for 2023.

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30 Nov 2022

S9 Dispatch for November 2022

We've just published our S9 Dispatch newsletter for November 2022.

This month: Short trip to South Korea, China unrest, Field Guide updates, evacuation planning workshops, and five new crisis management articles.

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22 Nov 2022

Our Field Guides have been updated and re-released

We've updated our four Field Guides - Deployment Planning, Personal Security, Accommodation Security and Transport Security.

We’ve made minor changes to design, content and layout. Three new chapters added to the Field Guide to Deployment Planning.

If you’ve already purchased these books, you’ll be notified and will be able to download the free updates.

We’ve also added a free sample for each of these books.

View the Field Guides

31 Oct 2022

S9 Dispatch for October 2022

We've just published our S9 Dispatch newsletter for October 2022.

This month: Travel to southern Thailand, contingency planning, photography exhibition, Street_Satchel field testing, and five new crisis management articles.

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30 Sep 2022

S9 Dispatch for September 2022

We've just published our S9 Dispatch newsletter for September 2022.

This month: Preparing for dangerous times, photography exhibition, Street_Satchel prototyping, and four new crisis management articles.

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