Crisis Management

We can help your organisation to develop its crisis management competencies so that you're ready to respond effectively to major incidents.

Why choose us?

Unwavering support in critical situations

Our team has a unique level of crisis management experience. We have a strong track record in delivering crisis management training and simulation exercises. We've supported well-respected international clients in multiple countries across the region. We've also been at the forefront of responding to some of the region's most critical incidents.

Above all, we can be relied upon to remain calm and collected, and to provide impartial and timely advice.


Build competence

Crisis Response Fundamentals

Learn the fundamentals of crisis response with our engaging and interactive workshop. Build your confidence and develop essential skills for responding to crisis events effectively and efficiently.

2 hours · Learn more

Practical Crisis Communication

Master the art of crisis communication with our interactive and engaging workshop. Develop essential skills to communicate effectively and empathetically during crisis events, ensuring the well-being of your employees and the reputation of your organization.

3 hours · Learn more

Customised training

If you'd like to focus on a specific aspect of crisis management, we can customise a training workshop to meet your requirements.

Strategic Futures

Prepare for uncertain times

In 2024, we introduced three strategic futures workshops designed to prepare executive teams and boards for uncertain times. During each session, we present a realistic set of scenarios designed to promote discussion and yield new insights.

Climate Crisis

Our 3-hour Climate Crisis workshop introduces a near future with extreme temperatures, rising sea levels, mass migration and increasing discontent. How can you prepare as an organisation for this future and how will you survive it?

Shifting Powers

Our 3-hour Shifting Powers workshop focuses on a near future where autocrats dominate the global agenda and democracy is on the retreat. With a weakened US and a fragmented Europe, Russia and China expand their territory and their influence in world affairs. What will this shift mean for the future of your organisation?


Our 3-hour AI to AGI workshop focuses on a near future where AI is integrated into our daily lives and the emergence of AGI is about to change the way we live and work. Will your organisation benefit from these changes or will it be destroyed by them?


Build experience

Crisis simulation exercises provide your Crisis Teams with the opportunity to put theory into practice.

We can design and deliver exercises to build the competence of your Crisis Teams to respond to crisis events. Our exercise are highly realistic, providing your Crisis Teams the opportunity to develop skills that are immediately applicable to real-world events.

We have a unique level of experience in designing and delivering crisis simulation exercises. We've conducted over 120 crisis simulation exercises in over a dozen countries, supporting some of the world's leading organisations.

If you're interested in learning more about our approach to the design and delivery of crisis simulation exercises, we've written a book on the subject.

International Schools

We have developed a crisis exercise programme specifically for international schools. This programme provides a cost-effective solution for international schools in Asia seeking to practice their response to incidents that may threaten students or staff, or harm the reputation of the school.

Contact us now to learn more about how our crisis simulation exercises can improve the capability of your organisation's Crisis Teams.

Crisis Exercise Kits

Do it yourself

Our Crisis Exercise Kits save you the time and effort of having to design your own crisis exercises.

These kits distil 24 years of crisis response and crisis exercise experience into a simple-to-use package. The kits integrate many of the tools and techniques we use when we design and deliver crisis simulation exercises for our clients.

We have the following Crisis Exercise Kits available for purchase now:

  • Earthquake
  • Flood
  • Missing traveller
  • Civil unrest
  • Terrorist attack

Each Crisis Exercise Kit comes with a presentation deck that includes an exercise briefing, six exercise serials, and notes on evaluation and debriefing the team. Alongside the presentation deck, we provide a comprehensive set of facilitator notes. This document provides detailed guidance for the facilitator, broken down by serial. We also provide an exercise preparation guide and a team self-evaluation template. In short, everything you need to run a professional exercise.

Our Crisis Exercise Kits are available individually for US $250 or as a set of five for US $975.

If you're interested in a turnkey solution for desktop style crisis exercises, you'll find our Crisis Exercise Kits to be a cost effective and high-quality solution that will save you time and effort.

Contact us now to arrange a demonstration of the Crisis Exercise Kits.


Build solid foundations

We can assist you to build a robust crisis response capability. We can guide you in structuring teams, and developing policies and procedures. We can also help you to develop the essential tools necessary to support those procedures.


There when you need us

We can support you during a crisis, leveraging our experience to help you to navigate the crisis and minimise adverse outcomes.

There are several ways we can support you. You can call us for advice over the phone. We can send someone to your office to work directly with your Crisis Team or Executive Team. Alternatively, we can send people to the scene of the incident.

Our team has supported clients during a host of critical incidents, including terrorist attacks in Jakarta in 2003, the Asian Tsunami in 2004, the major earthquake in Nepal in 2015, and terrorist attacks in Colombo in 2019 (amongst others).


Build knowledge


A compendium of 51 articles exploring the topic of crisis management.

USD $9.95

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The Contingency Planning Manual for Taiwan

A comprehensive reference for mitigating risks associated with major crisis events in Taiwan, including hostile military action.

USD $128

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The Crisis Response Handbook

The comprehensive guide to building resilient organisations, equipping readers with practical tools and techniques for effective crisis response in an unpredictable world.

USD $18.95

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The Crisis Simulation Handbook

The Crisis Simulation Handbook explains how to plan, design and deliver world-class crisis simulation exercises.

USD $28.95

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Applied experience


In 2022, we wrote 51 articles on crisis management. We've compiled these articles into a book, available here.

Dealing with Stress, Anxiety and Burnout as a Crisis Manager

What factors contribute to stress and anxiety for Crisis Managers, and what can team leaders and individuals do to manage stress and anxiety, and reduce the risk of burnout.

20 Nov 2022 · Read now

Characteristics of Effective Crisis Leadership

What are the characteristics of effective crisis leaders, and how can you develop these leaders in your organisation?

16 Oct 2022 · Read now

How to Improve Your Crisis Management Training

Five ways you can improve your crisis management training and provide a better experience anyone attending your training.

01 Mar 2022 · Read now

How to Effectively Conduct Remote Crisis Simulation Exercises

Observations regarding conducting crisis simulation exercises via video conferencing applications.

02 Feb 2021 · Read now

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